Monday, March 16, 2015

Three Weeks

Everyday we have had tears.  This is so hard on the teenager.  I think it is the stress of school, his diagnosis, and having had a year of witnessing his little brother's struggles.  It all got to be too much for him last night.  The good news is we got an appointment with a child psychologist who has Type 1.  The bad news is it isn't for three weeks.  I feel so out of my element handling his depression.  I don't know what to do so I just hold him and let him cry.

Friday when I got home he was dealing with his first low.  He was miserable.  He felt awful.  His hands were shaking.  On top of that he informed me that one of his teachers gave him a test on things that were taught when he wasn't there and failed it.  So there were tears Friday.  Saturday I worked and when I got home we dealt with highs while trying to do homework.  More tears.

Yesterday was the first day in almost two weeks that seemed like a good day.  It was just the two of us.  We went to a JDRF summit and as reluctant as Drago was he seemed to enjoy himself.  He even went to a teen session (no parents allowed).  I think one of his faves, and definitely one of mine, was listening to world snowboarder Sean Busby talk.  He was truly inspiring.  While Drago was in the teen session I went to one on burnout by Moira McCarthy.  I definitely needed that one.  We met up at lunch with one of my friend's from college.  During the conference I saw glimpses of my Drago--he even smiled a few times.  Of course he wouldn't let me take any pics of him.  He was adament on that.  We met up in the afternoon at the conference with his buddy from school who is Type 1 and has an older sibling that is also Type 1.  They came to the hospital when Sugar Bear was diagnosed.  Drago's buddy has other siblings that don't have Type 1.  I've read that a sibling of a Type 1 only has about a 5-6% chance of developing it.  I guess we won the lottery.  We always seem to hit those unlikely's.  It was very nice to connect to another Mom of double Type 1s.  She is absolutely amazing.  We attended a session on 504s and have some positive thoughts on dealing with our sons' school. We left the conference full of good feelings and confidence. The drive home was nice and Drago regaled his Dad and Brother with lots of excited information when we got home.  It warmed my heart and made me want to cry all at the same time.  At the conference Drago's favorite find were these pen needles.  He says they don't hurt.  His brother agreed.  Both boys basically did all of their shots on Sunday.  I just wish our insurance covered them, it doesn't so I'm not sure that we can do anything about it.  Things were really going great until Drago had a complete nosedive on his emotions. The evening ended with me holding him once again while he bawled.  He woke this morning with a migraine and more tears.  My heart is so broken for him.  We heard today from the psychologist's office.  He has an appointment in three weeks.  It can't come soon enough.

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